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For each user who will work in ERPHY you need to create the User document. This document stores the information about user, and his access settings. You can control user's access to any documents and actions with them by adding one or more roles and departments to the user .

Users document is located here SettingsUsers. Let's look at the most important fields of the Users document:

First name, Last name. This are the first and last name of user. These fields must be filled, as they are mandatory.
Display name shows how ERPHY will display user's name (for example, you can see your dispaly name in the low left corner).
Status of account. In User accounts block there is one important field - Status of account. Usually the status of working account is Active. You can block user - and he won’t be able to login into ERPHY, or put user to archive - then he will be blocked and not visible in the list of users. Do not change this field for your account!
Departments. A user can belong to one or more departments. From this field and User roles, you can determine what a user can and cannot do in departments within your company.
Roles. Also, user can have one or more roles. Permissions of any roles can be merged automatically, and complement each other.

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